all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
N1 0AA34051.539442-0.117873
N1 0AB68051.539611-0.118832
N1 0AD29051.540337-0.122061
N1 0AE29051.537536-0.122335
N1 0AF65051.537654-0.116822
N1 0AG21051.53908-0.121089
N1 0AH4051.537267-0.121841
N1 0AJ11051.537245-0.122159
N1 0AN11051.537148-0.121183
N1 0AP55051.539948-0.121918
N1 0AR30051.537107-0.118041
N1 0AW14051.537048-0.122196
N1 0AX8551.536702-0.121966
N1 0AZ6251.538775-0.122817
N1 0BA10051.538824-0.119701
N1 0BB13051.538795-0.120106
N1 0BF14051.538642-0.120098
N1 0BH20051.539147-0.117957
N1 0BJ3151.539512-0.117134
N1 0BL40051.537184-0.119494